Day 71- Thursday March 18th 2010
Today we gave our midterm presentation in studio. Three architects showed up- one froma firm in Florence, one from Milan, and one from Franchini’s firm in Milan. One of the architects didn’t speak or understand English, so while we were giving our presentation they had to translate what we were saying. In fact, most of the time we were giving presentations they were talking. It got kind of annoying at times- we found it disrespectful. But, regardless, it didn’t phase the jurors at all. I guess Italians don’t care about certain things. Another thing that Italian professors do is answer phone calls in the middle of class. I remember being on a tour in Rome and the tour guide got a phone call and answered it and talked for about 5 minutes before he hung up- he left about 25-30 of us waiting around for him to get off the phone. And it didn’t even phase him at all. Anyways, my presentation went pretty well. I went second and I presented about 10 slides in powerpoint. After my presentation I showed them my model and they spoke for about 5 minutes about my design and concept. They enforced the site, and they said my design needs to be more ‘radical’ which was a regular-occurring comment for some of us. We didn’t finish with presentations will around 7:00. After I left studio I went back to my apartment and dropped off my stuff. I met up with my parents at their hotel. We walked around some of the shops of Florence for a while- most of which were closed. We went to a restaurant by their hotel, which they went to the night before. I had a very good meal, and the guy who served us was really cool. He spoke fluent English and he even knew about Ohio State and Michigan State. Michigan Sucks! He would always say. Haha! After we had some wine and my dad got gelato we headed back to my place, took a couple pictures, and said goodbye before they left. I gave them a couple souvenirs to take home with them. They had to grad a cab around 5 in the morning to go to the airport and take a flight to Amsterdam. Tonight I watched ‘Wanted’ and fell asleep right after midnight. I was pretty tired, it was a long day. VENICE TOMORROW!

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